About SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana
SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana unites more than 85,000 acute care, home care, nursing home and child care workers across two states in the fight to raise standards across industries, to strengthen the political voice for working families and for access to quality, affordable care for all families.

The SEIU/UIC Partnership

From 2010-2011, members and staff of SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana participated in writing workshops sponsored by the union and facilitated by Marsha Love and Joe Zanoni of the UIC School of Public Health. The first two workshops met for six weekly sessions in downtown Chicago; the third workshop combined in-person and call-in participants, in order to accommodate the regional diversity of the group. Participants wrote, read, and shared stories about their experiences as professional caretakers, union members, producing inspiring writings about their enduring efforts to make the world a better place. Their writings can be found in these SEIU issues of Workers Rights, Workers Write:


Workers Rights Workers Write_SEIU_Dec 2010

Worker Rights Workers Write_SEIU_July 2011